
Sunday, September 15, 2013

thoughts and such//

-i got a job!! {insert "woo hoo" here} i start in about two weeks and i am so excited! bring on the pencil skirts and heels because that will be my uniform for the next year and i couldn't be more thrilled.
-i'm almost positive blankets were made to lay out on the grass at night to snuggle on..just saying
-is it stupid that i get super excited when a new JCrew catalog comes in the mail? i don't think so.
-my roommates are all in school. wishing them all a successful semester, i sure will miss them.
-sometimes jordan and i have full on conversations while brushing our teeth. {all it is is a bunch of mumbles and groans, how we do it? i have no clue}
-can we all just take a moment and look at how long my hair is getting!
-2 more days and my favorite show will be starting up, i could not be more excited. {note to elsa, don't forget to get a slurpie while you watch it and then call me after}

i promise i will have more interesting blog post rather than just random updates on my life.. stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. i read this post while i listened to the cover of take care and it made me miss you. a lot. you are lovely.
